Thursday, June 08, 2006

Lisa Davis on getting from A to B

Ginger Hulbert writes:

Lisa Davis, my beautiful friend through high school and college.

She loved to sing and to draw flowers. We used to sit in her kitchen and draw endless pictures of flowers. I know that sounds hokey but it is true. She was much better at it than I was. We acted together in productions at IHS, IUP and PVP. Lisa had a funny kind of guttural giggle that was at odds with her petite size, so I was always trying to get her to laugh. My favorite Lisa memory is once when we were done with rehearsal in Waller Hall, she needed a ride home and I was car-less, so she got this great idea. We walked over to the infamous Pizza House on the corned of Oakland and 10th St. Lisa walked up to the counter and said "I would like to order a pizza to be delivered and I need to be delivered with it!" She ordered her pizza with such confidence as if her request were nothing out of the ordinary and was so cute batting those big lashed eyes, how could the swarmy guy behind the counter refuse her. Lisa was delivered!


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